After enduring the aftermath of twin devastating earthquakes that struck southern Türkiye, claiming the lives of over 50,000 individuals, survivors in the affected regions...
GOVERNMENT has dissolved the National Social Security Authority (NSSA) board with immediate effect to pave way for transformation, Business Mail reports.
The Board, chaired by Dr Cuthbert...
Zambia’s Maamba Collieries has relocated water pumps to a new location in the Kariba lake, to provide water for the boilers of its 300 MW coal-fired power plant.
The company said in a...
“These weapons offer false promises of security and deterrence - while guaranteeing only destruction, death, and endless brinksmanship,” he said in a video message to the First...
HARARE - In a historic virtual constitution rally attended by leading voices on democracy under the hashtag #ResistDictatorship, Zimbabweans have converged against the latest...