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Our Strategy Has Started Bearing Fruit

HARARE - The recently introduced ZUPCO subsidies are helping many Zimbabweans on a daily basis as a direct result of a budget surplus. Sensible economics...

Greenlight for Access forex to Resume Local Transfer: RBZ

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) gave Access Forex platform permission to resume domestic foreign currency remittance activities following the completion of its licensing...

Zim Avails US$29 Million for Winter Wheat

HARARE – Zimbabwe has availed US$29.1 million for winter wheat farmers as it bids to guarantee national food security, ENN reports. The financial support,...

Business Closure – Ecocash Draws the Line

HARARE - Zimbabwean mobile money giant Ecoash has responded to a statement issued on 26 June 2020 by the country's Ministry of Information notifying...

Angola Ruling Party Close to Victory in Divisive Election

Angola's ruling party, the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola, has gained 51.07 percent of the votes already counted for the Aug. 24...