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Partnership to Deliver 600 New Houses for Hwange

HWANGE - The Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) has joined hands with Hwange Electricity Supply Company (HESCO) and Hwange Local Board (HLB) to construct more...

Indonesia Blocks Yahoo & PayPal

The Indonesian government has blocked access to eight major online platforms including Yahoo, PayPal, and Dota as they have failed to register for licensing,...

KwaZulu-Natal Eyes More Cooperation With BRICS

South Africa's KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province would like to have exchange programs in sports, culture, business and academia from the BRICS countries, said KwaZulu-Natal premier...

Political Actors Dialogue Calls for Currency Crisis Meeting

The chairperson of the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD) Trust Chikohora called for an urgent meeting before the economy implodes. " As POLAD we are calling...

State Bank of Pakistan introduces ESFCA to facilitate IT exports

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) increased the permissible retention limit of information technology (IT) exporters from 35 percent to 50 percent of their...