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ADF Steps in Flood Rescue in Western Australia

Australian Defence Force (ADF) members were deployed to help with flood evacuation in the state of Western Australia, as heavy rains caused by ex-tropical...

Zimbabwean Tycoon Invests Towards COVID-19

Initial reports suggest that the facility would carry 36 beds, each with a ventilator as Tagwirei joins the fight against this deadly virus. The...

South African Trade Surplus Declines as Load-shedding Persists

South Africa's trade surplus decreased from 1.45 billion U.S. dollars in July 2022 to 424 million dollars in August 2022 due to load shedding...

Zim’s Suspension of Ecocash & the ZSE Intrusive

HARARE - The Zimbabwe government's move of suspending mobile money solutions and all trading of stocks on the local bourse (ZSE) in an attempt...

Ukraine Grain Exports Deal Sets in Motion

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has welcomed the official start of the operation based in the Turkish city of Istanbul, which will help implement the...