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South Africa refuses Zimbabwe’s emergency loan request

JOHANNESBURG (January 21, 2019)-South Africa has said it rejected a request from Zimbabwe for an emergency loan of US$1,2bn in December 2018. Zimbabwe's government had...

UN concerned over ‘unilateral’ initiatives to rebuild flood-hit Libya

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Libya Abdoulaye Bathily has voiced his concern about the unilateral and competing initiatives from various...

Diamond Bosses Fired After Graft Exposé

HARARE - The Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamonds Corporation (ZCDC) board has fired chief executive officer, Morris Mpofu and six other officials at the State run firm,...

Our Strategy Has Started Bearing Fruit

HARARE - The recently introduced ZUPCO subsidies are helping many Zimbabweans on a daily basis as a direct result of a budget surplus. Sensible economics...

Vast To Relinquish Pickstone In US$3,5 million Deal, Sets Site On Zimbabwe Diamonds

LONDON - London quoted mining outfit, Vast Resources said on Monday it had concluded a conditional sale agreement for a proposed disposal of its noncore 50,...