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At Least 500 Zim Elephants Face the Gun As Covid-19 Bites

HARARE - Zimbabwe authorities have okayed the sale of licenses for elephant hunting as the global pandemic bites the economy, ENN reports. This development comes...

Zim’s Vaccination Programme Ranked 7th in Africa

HARARE – Zimbabwe’s Covid-19 vaccination programme has received a vote of confidence from the World Health Organization (WHO), ENN reports.  To date, almost one...

Cassava Smartech Records an increase of ZWL4.6billion in Revenue

Cassava Smartech Zimbabwe Limited (“The Group”) Group recorded revenue of ZWL4.6billion, compared to four months’ revenue for the period ended February 2019 of ZWL1.1...

Nuclear Power Outage Skyrockets Electricity Prices in Finland

TVO, the Finnish power company, announced on Monday an extension of the outage at Olkiluoto 3, Europe's largest nuclear power generator, due to ongoing...

Egypt’s Nebu Expo: Gold Prices Surge Amid Dollar Shortage

Egypt just wrapped up its third Nebu Expo for Gold & Jewelry against the backdrop of surging gold prices and heightened demand, even as...