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RBZ Response to CZI Recommendations

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has dismissed concerns raised by the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) in a paper issued by the organisation...

Cassava Smartech Records an increase of ZWL4.6billion in Revenue

Cassava Smartech Zimbabwe Limited (“The Group”) Group recorded revenue of ZWL4.6billion, compared to four months’ revenue for the period ended February 2019 of ZWL1.1...

Challenges Remain Despite Gas Prices Drop in Europe

Helped by mild winter weather and high storage, prices for natural gas in the European Union (EU) have now settled back to levels seen...

World Bank Upgrades Mongolia’s 2023 Growth Forecast to 5.8%

The World Bank has adjusted its 2023 growth projection for Mongolia to 5.8 percent, up from the previous forecast of 5.2 percent. This update...

Bread Price To Be Reviewed: RBZ

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) announced that the price of bread will go down following the talks with an association of bakers. "Taking into...