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Zimbabwe’s Energy Crisis Worsens

Harare - Zimbabwe’s energy crisis has deteriorated further, ENN reports. The Kariba power plant is now generating about 100MW, which is 9% of its...

State Bank of Pakistan introduces ESFCA to facilitate IT exports

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) increased the permissible retention limit of information technology (IT) exporters from 35 percent to 50 percent of their...

Tanzania’s GDP per Capita Increases in 2018

DAR ES SALAAM - Tanzania's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita increased to US$1 090 in 2018, the Minister for Finance and Planning, Phillip...

Our Strategy Has Started Bearing Fruit

HARARE - The recently introduced ZUPCO subsidies are helping many Zimbabweans on a daily basis as a direct result of a budget surplus. Sensible economics...

Fastjet wins ‘Africa’s Leading Low-Cost Airline-2020’ title for the 5th consecutive year

FASTJET  for the fifth consecutive year has been awarded by the World Travel Awards the title of “Africa’s Leading Low-Cost Airline– 2020”. The organizers announced...