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Lucy Jack

Lucy Jack

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UAE pledges to support countries affected by irregular migration

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Sunday promised to contribute 100 million U.S. dollars to support development projects in countries affected by irregular migration,...

António Guterres Condemns Russia Annexation Plan

Russia’s plan to annex four occupied regions in Ukraine would be an illegal move, a violation of international law, and should be condemned, UN...

Zim’s economy to grow by 5% under National Development Strategy (NDS1)

THE struggling economy of Zimbabwe expects to grow by 5 percent after the implementation of the new economic blueprint National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1...

South African Tourists in Heroic Efforts During Gruelling Battle To Save Zimbabwean Cyclone Victims

HARARE - From the vortex of a gruelling battle to save hundreds of villagers stranded on islands and marooned on hilltops in Zimbabwe’s grief-stricken...
ESKOM’s R420 Billion Debt Chokes ANC’s 2019 Election Campaign

ESKOM’s R420 Billion Debt Chokes ANC’s 2019 Election Campaign

JOHANNESBURG – With exactly 77 days before South Africa’s 6th general elections are held on 8 May 2019, ESKOM’s financial woes threaten to choke...